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Libido at 40 February 16, 2006

Posted by dorigo in astronomy, personal.

dream binocularsWell… You can still experience a lot of libido at 40 years of age. Mine is mostly triggered by things such as the one on the left.

A pair of apochromatic refractors of large diameter, made by a renowned factory, mounted together to form dream binoculars with which to observe galaxies and comets… Unfortunately they costs about 10,000 euro.

The pair shown are made by Vixen, and they are put together with a precision-machined mount by Astromeccanica.

Oh well. I would not find the time to look through them… And even if I did, there would be clouds outside. And even on clear nights, the sky from Venice is polluted and the limiting magnitude never goes below +5.0…

Who am I trying to fool. Life sucks. I want a pair of those.