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Degree passed with flying colors July 20, 2006

Posted by dorigo in Uncategorized.

This morning Mia obtained a “laurea magistralis” (aka Masters degree) in Physics, after two years of specialization in particle physics following three previous years of studies.

Mia presented a thesis titled “A new multivariate approach to the b-jet energy measurement at the CDF-II experiment“. Basically, her work concentrated on writing the code of the Hyperball algorithm in a standardized way, then optimizing the parameters for the Z–>bb resonance, and finally testing the resulting jet energy corrections on the Z–>bb signal in experimental data collected by CDF in 2005.

Mia gave a very nice presentation in front of the graduation committee and fifty persons in the audience. She answered exhaustively to three complex questions posed by members of the committee, and in the end obtained the maximum of points, 110 cum laude.

The fun, however, started just then. Padova University has a nasty tradition of a post-graduation rite which involves getting slapped in the back as hard as possible by everybody present, then stripped almost bare, covered with all sorts of obnoxious substances (water colors, flour, a dead octopus in the case of Mia), and forced to read a poster collectioning a few embarassing episodes of the candidate’s course of studies -whenever possible of sexual nature-, drinking alcoholic beverages every time the reading is not perfect.

All this was experimented by Mia this morning. I felt really sorry I did not have a digital camera with me, but I will be able to post a few pics soon.

After this dubious celebration, we headed to a bar where the real party begun. I drank my share… NOw I am going to the second graduation… 


1. zerocold - July 20, 2006

ok the good old “gogliardia” and Padua tradition continue in its imbarassing manners. My congratulations goes to Mia (I’m waiting for his contact to present her to my financially solid friend).
Holy shit, the women are getting finally the right position in science.
So come on Tommaso, drink also for me, that I’m tired in the office trying to understand how to convert a datime in a suitable form for an insert sql statement.
Dick!!!, I graduated my self oneother time to prove the happiness of been kicked in my ass as People around sing “Dottore Dottore Dottore del buso del cul vaffancul!!!”
p.s for no italian mother tonge and also Serenissima mother tongue,
“Dottore! Dottore! Dottore del buso del cul, vaffancul!!!vaffancul!!!”
“Doctor! Doctor!Doctor of the hole of the ass , fuckyourself !!!fuckyourself!!!”


2. Pietro - July 21, 2006

Well, actually “””I drank my share””” means that Tommaso, at a table with other CDF fellows, sneaked around and retrieved furtively a wine bottle from another table, after the bottle assigned to them had been finished (i.e. after something like 5 minutes…) 😛

I would like to remark that “a dead octopus” implies that one had to stay at least five metres far from Mia and pay attention to the direction of the wind… Actually, the octopus have died last Sunday, so you can imagine the smell… The funny thing is that before the graduation the octopus have been washed in the bathroom of the second floor of the physics department, at 9 ‘o clock. At 16 ‘o clock, it was still dangerous to walk through the corridor of the second floor without using something to close your nose…

After the post-graduation rite, the octopus have been thrown in the river near the department. This river, home of sewer rats, is believed to be radioactive and infested by strange alien presences hidden in the mud. Tales say that a man who would sink in the river would become a strange powerful creature whose lair is in holes in the mud . Some of the nastiest professor in the physics department are believed to be once men who sank in the river, up to the tales.

Oh well, the river banks look great, with green grass and tall trees… but the water have a not-healthy-green color… And nobody ever tried to verify the tales…

By the way, I was very happy for Mia (for the graduation, not for the octopus)!!!

3. Fred Altieri - July 22, 2006

I really like your sci-fi movie script, “A Dead Octopus”. The sewer rats are very obviously included, yet perfectly essential against such a backdrop. The graduate being celebrated and hazed offers a bold start. The opening credits could roll just as the octopus is thrown out of the window and into the river. The only change I recommend would be to have a physicist who actually works in and understands the lab process play the protagonist, aka, ‘The Creature’. The nasty professor (portrayed as a machiavellian paper-pusher for management) would reign as the antagonist from “The University” above ground. You should definitely emphasize the holes in the mud as magical radioactive nurturing beds. The lovers and the booze would be essential elements in the plot. A trilogy should be expected. Regardless, the auditions would be a blast and a perfect opportunity to dismiss your colleagues wanting to get in on the action.

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