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Meccablog September 29, 2007

Posted by dorigo in computers, internet, italian blogs, news, physics, science.

Just two lines to mention a new entry in my blogroll, Meccablog: the blog of the Mechatronic group in Trento. They discuss automated systems for driving assistence, mechanical studies for LISA, and other research topics about projects their group is involved in. Among the contributors is Mauro Da Lio, a fellow amateur astronomer and the head of the department of mechanical engineering in Trento.


1. Guess Who - September 29, 2007

Shouldn’t that be mechatronic? Meccatronic sounds like an Islamic techno group.

2. Mauro Da Lio - September 29, 2007

Yes, mechatronic in english (Meccatronica in Italian).

3. dorigo - September 29, 2007

Of course. Thanks for spotting it GW… I will edit the typo now.


4. Plato - September 30, 2007


Sorry fro detracting from your blog post.

I am interested as a lay person in the collider experiments and wondered about “gravitational wave production.”

Considering quark gluon levels reached, I wondered about the strength and the weakness as a measure of gravitational waves within that collider action.

If microscopic blackhole are created, then would it be wrong to observe, variation of gravity within the domain of the collider itself?

It would be nice to see, whether or not, this subject is worth a post?


5. dorigo - October 1, 2007

Dear Plato,

quarks are microscopic bodies. The gravitational effects associated with the motion and interaction of masses that small are ridiculously small.

In theories contemplating a low quantum gravity scale, black holes could in principle be created in high energy collisions, but if a chance of detecting their creation exists, it is not by gravitational effects, which remain billions of billions of billions of billions (and then some) of times smaller than those caused by strong interactions.

Please check my post on Lisa Randall’s seminar (Sept. 29th), or the one on the seminar given by Steve Giddings last March. There is reading material that I tried to make accessible to most there.


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