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Ms Dewey – the search engine with a nice body October 19, 2006

Posted by dorigo in Blogroll, humor, internet, news.

Via the prodigious zerocold (http://zerocold.wordpress.com) I met Ms Dewey, the one search engine I would not mind having sex with.

You can check her out at http://www.msdewey.com/ … The legend has it that after the ten-thousandth search you get to see her naked. Or so they say 😉 


1. A - October 20, 2006

Some searches are more interesting than others…try “New York Mets”, or “Denver Broncos”

2. Elia Diodati - October 23, 2006

All you have to do is ask her to taker her clothes off. Three times.

3. dorigo - October 24, 2006

darn… I tried and tried, but I got to see only part of her waist!
You sure there is no magic word somewhere ?

4. jesus - October 29, 2006

just type murder

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