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Michel Platini is new UEFA president January 26, 2007

Posted by dorigo in games, news, politics.

Congratulations and best wishes to Michel Platini, my all-time favourite soccer player, a player of incredible talent, fantasy, and class. He defeated by 27 votes to 23 (2 abstained) the former president Lennart Johansson, who was in charge since 1990. With a gesture that betrays all of Michel’s fair play, he offered Johansson to stay in charge as honorary president, to work together. Not an act of empty gallantry, since the election campaign had seen bitter moments at the start, with Johansson claiming he already could count on the vote of 36 soccer federations of the 52 with a right to vote.

I do not know how well will Platini score in the task of cleaning up UEFA’s cupboards from all the skeletons accumulated in the recent past. But I am in favor of a professional of his caliber, who most of all loves the sport he is in charge of promoting. Good luck, Michel.


1. riqie arneberg - January 26, 2007

How sad to live where such a boring kid’s game is worthy of headlines!

2. dorigo - January 27, 2007

Well, Riqie, we were all kids once… My own justification for writing the post is that I admire the player and I have sympathy for the man. Newspapers write about soccer in Europe because people want to read about it… I do not know whether it is sad. For sure it is sad that people are not as much interested in things that affect their lives more, such as politics or science. But ultimately, you have to accept that.

3. riqie arneberg - January 27, 2007

What I meant was, it is sad you do not have “real sports” like american football and baseball to cheer for!

4. dorigo - January 27, 2007

Oh, give me a break! 😉

5. Christian - January 27, 2007

Congratulazioni ad uno che si è detto dispiaciuto che l’Italia abbia vinto il mondiale dopo aver mangiato per anni a casa Agnelli? Per uno che ha detto che Totti non fa la differenza? Per uno che andava a spasso con quella blatta di Blatter???? Mica mica sarai della Juve?? 🙂
Cmq sul mio blog, ti hanno risposto a proposito del tunisino di Erba. Se vuoi dare un’occhiata e rispondere al tizio..
Ciao !

6. Christian - February 1, 2007

“a pelle” Platini era simpatico anche a me. Considera che nonostante fossi della Roma ( e ti ricorderai il dualismo Roma-Juventus degli anni ottanta) avevo il suo poster in camera e i miei compagni di scuola quando venivano a casa mi guardavano stupefatti perchè per loro non era concepibile ammirare o riconoscere il talento di un calciatore se non era della loro squadra- Avevo anche il poster di Socrates, uno che mi piaceva tantissimo (come Edinho e Diaz)

7. dorigo - February 1, 2007

Complimenti per il coraggio coi tuoi amici romanisti! Socrates era un grandissimo, concordo. Diaz mi pare di ricordarlo un po’ rissoso, ma sono passati tanti anni…

8. fred333 - December 13, 2007

I think every sport has a place in culture.

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